Here's what clients are saying about Body Basics

“I came to NJ from Las Vegas, NV for a temporary work assignment. During this time, I’ve decided it was time to return to the gym. I strongly believe hiring the right personal trainer is a worthy investment in your physical and mental health. I searched for a trainer and was lucky to find Larry Wasserman, owner of Body Basics Fitness in Warren, NJ. I made an appointment to meet with Larry and the rest is history! My interview consisted in relaying my personal exercise goals, what works and doesn’t work for me, and my current physical level activity. Due to my work schedule, I was able to work out with Larry 2-3 times a week for one hour. Larry customized my workouts, based on a preliminary assessment session Larry was able to bring to light my strengths and weaknesses. I wanted to make sure his exercise plan aligned with my goals and included both a diet option along with the exercise plan.

Larry can assist anyone, with any fitness level achieve their goals! Not only is he very professional, he is respectful and non-judgmental, he knows what he’s doing and gives you the attention you need for the full hour. He encourages you by believing in you and that is the perfect recipe for a well thought out fitness program. Larry explains the exercise in both layman’s terms and in exercise science terminology. This was the first time a personal trainer taught me how the muscles work while an exercise is being performed.  I looked forward to working out with Larry because he always had something new to teach me. He worked every muscle (even the ones I hadn’t used in years!) He worked with my different sensitivities and past injuries. He takes his job seriously, is respectful, has a wonderful personality, and has an overall positive outlook which is contagious! His quality of training is the best I have ever encountered.

If you want to shed a few pounds of fat, Larry is knowledgeable about nutrition, physical fitness and how the body works medically. Larry never bored me with the workouts as they were always refreshingly new and yet progressive. He keeps your interest while working every muscle. He’s fun, motivational, and he pushes you to succeed. After three months my range of motion increased dramatically and my entire body is toned. I am headed back to Las Vega and for the first time in my life I know that I am able to continue on my own because I am taking all of the skills and knowledge I learned with me. I highly recommend Larry Wasserman as a trainer to both men and women! ” – Natasha Rowe, Las Vegas, NV

Dear Larry: I wanted to send you a note of gratitude for your invaluable training. As you know I came to you approximately 6 months after I received a liver transplant. Given the magnitude of that surgery, I was very fearful about damaging my abdomen in the course of exercise. But you listened to my concerns and designed a series of strength and conditioning exercises that helped strengthen that area as well as provide a well-rounded routine for my entire body. You taught me a tremendous amount about how our bodies function and about the interplay of muscle groups. In fact, your program addressed many muscle groups that I had ignored for years.

I now have the knowledge to correctly perform a full range of exercises that I can use for the rest of my life. At 60 years old I feel as limber as I did 10 years ago! It’s now 1 year since my surgery and in the past 6 months, I’ve participated in the following activities: golf, hiking, kayaking, and high performance driving with no compromises in performance. On an everyday basis I have the strength and energy to quickly climb stairs (sometimes two at a time) and go about all the activities of my life better than I had before my surgery. Thanks again for all you’ve done and I look forward to seeing you soon for some refresher sessions. – John M., Basking Ridge, NJ

“Larry is an awesome strength and movement trainer! I started training with Larry to build muscle to help me improve my ability with my dogs in agility competition. That meant getting stronger. I also wanted to improve my movements on the agility course. In ten months, I’ve gained 4 pounds of muscle as measured by the InBody Test at my doctor’s office! I’m running much better on the agility course and I feel stronger and more stable in daily life. I value Larry’s experience, dedication to continual learning, and enthusiasm for helping people meet their goals. He emphasizes education during training and that shared knowledge builds confidence. I’ve learned that you have to lift heavy things to get strong…and now I can do it! Thanks, Larry!” – Linda Andrews, Martinsville, NJ

I absolutely love your boot camp class! I’m not new to the “fitness scene” and I have to say that you are the most knowledgeable trainer I’ve worked with. I love the variety of exercises. My fellow boot campers made it all worthwhile. I have a lot of fun sweating and working out with them. Many people are intimidated by the term “boot camp” because they’re afraid they cannot keep up. Since we were all at various fitness levels, I really like how you explained each exercise with each variation to accommodate each of us. In fact, I’ve been telling everyone about this fabulous class and I’m hoping to grab a few more “recruits”.

Caroline Tong- Greenbrook, NJ.

I have been a desk jockey for 45 years, and sitting in the same position all of those years took a toll on my body. After having tried physical therapy and then chiropractic, I continued to suffer enough hip pain every night to awaken me many times. No position was comfortable enough to alleviate the pain. Then, I tripped and fell flat on my face in my own office causing a fair amount of damage. It took falling and getting injured for me to try something else and do something about my “issues.” I started working with Larry, and lo and behold, two weeks later I no longer suffered from the hip pain. I continued for three months total with Larry, working on both my body and my balance. In essence, he showed me that through the proper exercises, I could gain mobility and more range of movement in my hips and back to where they should be. I am extremely pleased with the outcome, and continue to do those exercises every day. I now realize that this training is a life-long endeavor, but well worth it. I certainly do not want to go back to where I was. I would encourage anyone with chronic tightness and pain to call Larry and get started right away. – Marc J. Friedman, Esq. Liberty Corner, NJ

“After my three months with Larry Wasserman at Body Basics Fitness, I am proud to say that I have learned a tremendous amount about form and fitness in general. I consider myself a very active adult and was confident in my abilities to challenge myself at the gym. The gym and working out is an extremely important part of my life and I find it as a way to relieve stress, decompress, and feel healthier. However, prior to working with Larry, I felt I did not know enough about proper lifting technique to continue to progress and make the changes to my body that I wanted. Larry is extremely knowledgeable about the human body and how to properly teach form to prevent injury, which I find very important. The workouts that Larry created were fantastic and made me work hard for the whole hour. Other than the amazing workouts Larry created, he is also a fantastic and enjoyable person to be around. Thank you for teaching me and empowering me to walk into a gym and feel excited to challenge myself and continue on the life-long journey of fitness! Thanks again for everything!” – Meghan Castellano, Gillette, NJ

I first met with Larry Wasserman and I chose personal training and Boot Camp combination. I wanted to get great results in a short amount of time as I was getting married in just a few months. I’ve lost 25lbs in that time and I plan to release another 10lbs of fat to achieve my goals. Everyone at Body Basics is absolutely wonderful. .Lim Bances - Age 36 - Springfield, NJ

I have learned so much about myself and feel as though the changes I have made are not for the moment but for a life time. And yes I must say it felt great to fit into a size 10 Levi 515 Boot cut jean. I need more closet space to put my old clothes!

Mary Morgan

Warren, NJ

“I started working with Larry as a private training client in May. At the same time I also changed my eating habits using a protein shake for breakfast and small meals spread out through the day. Larry saw my wedding day portrait and asked how much I weighed then. I told him “175lbs” and he said, “Great, that’s our goal”. I started at 223lbs and now I’m 183lbs with my goal of 175lbs just around the corner. In four months I’ve dropped 40 pounds! I don’t even recognize the fat guy in these photos. After four months of personal training, I’m now in boot camp and ‘I’m a lifer’. Most of us in life need a little push, a way to be held accountable and a proven system to achieve success. Larry Wasserman offers all of that with a positive, fun can-do attitude. I highly recommend using his services if you want to change your health, your fitness, and your life.”

I enjoyed Body Basics Boot Camp and all of the benefits I received from it. I have more energy and feel stronger. The 6am sessions put me in a great mood for the rest of the day! Also, I lost 3 inches around my waist after completing two boot camps! (8 weeks).

Pat M. 

Warren, NJ

It’s a great program – you sweat, laugh, ache – but after 4 weeks you HAVE TO FEEL BETTER about yourself. After one week my family also began to help out more. My husband has even started to use the treadmill, which I think is wonderful. Thanks, Larry!

Sharon P

Warren, NJ

“I’ve stayed in reasonably good shape during my adult years through running, biking and free-weight regimens. Larry’s classes, however, taught me the most intensive way thus far to get a full-body workout fast, and with the most variety of creative exercises that any coachhas ever given me. And, because so much of the workout relies on my own weight (rather than expensive equipment and machines), not only can I adjust the exercises to my particular strength level but I can replicate it at home or on my frequent business trips. Thus, I have ‘no excuse’ when it comes to working out wherever I am.”

Sarah H

Warren, NJ

“Wow! Body Basics Boot camp is simply the best! Not only will you begin the process of physically getting in better shape and healthier but you will also feel less stressed and have more energy and be more inspired to change in other areas of your life. This boot camp is the real deal and is unique – combining the essentials of good health: aerobic cardiovascular exercise, strength training and stretching along with tips on good nutrition. Body basics is committed, passionate and sensitive to each individual’s journey to optimal health. Safety is a priority and if you are at risk of injury by incorrectly performing an exercise-you will be constructively corrected. Everyone works within their personal capability without fear or judgement. Lastly, it is fun- we all laugh a lot and have a blast! Thank you Body Basics! What are YOU waiting for?” Dr. Vanita Braver - Warren, NJ

Thank you for everything. boot camp has whipped me into shape like no other

exercise program i have ever done. Love it!!

Sheri Marino - Warren, NJ

I just wanted to tell you how great Boot Camp is at the moment. Last Winter we asked Coach Liz to kick it up a notch and she has been doing some great workouts – all very inventive and varied. Since Coach Jackie came on board she has also kicked things up too and it fits in well with Liz’s stuff. They both obviously put in a lot of effort out of hours to plan and prepare the workouts, and check each others boards to make sure we are doing different things each day. I’ve seen some big results this year from a diet that I’ve done, but the hard workouts and encouragement from Liz and Jackie have helped so much. I really appreciate what they are doing, and wanted to make sure that you know that their Boot Camps are great.

Liz Bain - Martinsville, NJ

“I have been working with Larry Wasserman at Body Basics Fitness as a personal training client and I have experienced significant improvement in my balance, strength and flexibility. Recently, however, I have noticed an additional advantage. Aside from being a Dentist, I am also a singer/songwriter, and have been studying voice for many years. My voice teachers have always stressed the importance of isolating and activating my lower abdominal muscles in order to provide the necessary core support for proper vocal technique. Although I have always tried to follow their instruction, it has only been recently that I have been able to isolate, coordinate and control these muscles. As a result, my vocal technique has significantly improved. I know that the work I have done with Larry, has been responsible for my recent vocal progress. So now, aside from feeling better, stronger and more youthful, my training with Larry has also helped me improve my voice.”  ~Robert A. Wortzel, DMD

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